Monday, August 16, 2010


Derek & I got a puppy! :)
She's a Cairn Terrier, 12 1/2 weeks old. We got her last Saturday, August 7th from a pet store. She's sort of brindle-colored, but we'll see what happens after her first grooming. Many times dogs change colors when they get groomed the first time!
Her name is Taffy, and she's adorable :)
We're very happy with her! There have been moments, of course, when we are exasperated, but we're working on all the puppy "issues"- housebreaking (better, now that I've hung bells & she's understanding how they work!), biting (especially Derek's socks), and behaving overall so we don't have to have an eye on her every second. I think she's going to be a great dog overall though :)
Very exciting!!