Monday, July 31, 2006


Should I just start walking around on the streets with a sign hanging from my neck proclaiming "I NEED A JOB"??

Although, then I might get offers of things that I'm really not willing or eager to do- say, prostitution, for instance. Aggh!

Seriously though, I feel that if I don't start getting some phone calls for interviews in the next few days, I may start flipping out. I am so stressed beyond belief waiting for job calls... it's unbelievable. I want districts to be fighting over who gets me, not me trying to fight to get a district to even look at me.


I just don't know what else to do! I've filled out all of the online applications to their exact specifications, sent the required paperwork in via email or regular mail, and then... I've been sitting here waiting. Why? Because there is nothing else I can do. Schools aren't open, so I can't go demand to be seen, and I have tried emailing every principal out there, but few have responded so far. What am I missing? Friends of mine are getting jobs left and right in schools around here, so why aren't I? I've received only 3 calls- one in Skokie, which was a no-go, one in Libertyville, which was another no, and one in Waukegan, who has yet to answer the phone or call me back. Where are the Wheeling people? The Buffalo Grove? The Palatine?? I do want to move to Oswego, but why aren't they calling either??

I never imagined life after college could be so harsh. Here I am, with a piece of paper that says I took classes, with a portfolio that took me 4 days to put together, with a new suit that has yet to be broken in, and no phone calls. I guess I was in this rosy bubble of happiness when I graduated ("No more classes! I'll get a job, move into a condo, get married, and live happily ever after!"), and now it has turned more into (I'm quoting SpongeBob here, I know, I'm weird) "The Dirty Bubble" that I can't see out of. I wish I knew what the hell was going to happen in the next few weeks. The fact that I can't write things on my calendar or make plans any time in the future is driving me crazy. I am super organized, but until I get a job, I don't know the school schedule, so therefore, I don't know my schedule.

These next few weeks (heck, days) are going to be so tough. Maybe since tomorrow is August 1st, the principals will all start calling me.

One can only hope, right?

Saturday, July 29, 2006

The times, they are a-changin'...

Is it just me, or did we all grow up too fast? I know, I know, time runs at the same speed every year, but hear me out. I had lunch with Tara today (which was really nice), and afterwards, I recalled some of our old conversations as compared to today's.

Old conversation: "Will we ever get boyfriends?"
New conversation: "So how are the wedding plans going? (for both of us!)"

Old: "So my brother/sister is 10/12..."
New: "So my brother is driving/my sister is going to college."

Old: "Living at home is so great!"
New: "We really want our own place..."

Tara, I found our old notebooks from high school- you remember, the ones that you, me, Shannon, and Susi wrote in? I've got 2 or 3 of them. I flipped through them the other day, and the things we were worried about back then now seem so trivial. Remember BF? Or how Jeff V. was, among other things, a "creepy stalker?" Maybe I'll make copies of some of the pages and give them to you for a wedding present :-P

On another note- an assistant principal called me on Friday and left me a message about being a reading teacher at a middle school! I have to call her back on Monday and set up an interview. I'm psyched! Even though it's further away than I would like (Waukegan), it still could turn out to be the job I've been hunting for. We'll see! I will update again once I have the interview and let you know how it went!

Monday, July 24, 2006

No more

I quit camp. If you want to know more, email me or leave me a comment and I'll email you directly. I don't want to get too into it on here, but let me know if you want the dirty details.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Not sure yet...

Not sure what's going on. There may be some drastic changes coming in the next day (not with Derek, don't worry). I'll keep you posted, blog o' mine. :-P

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Camp Fiasco + A Little Bit Of Pirating

2 things today: Camp and Pirates!

First, camp. I was about to kill 2 of my counselors yesterday! One of them came running to get me inside, going "Johnny's crying and won't talk to me! I don't know what's wrong! Can you help?" Me, being the good natured soul I am, stand up from what I am doing and walk out of the art room, through the gym, and outside. Johnny is sitting on the ground, hunched up, making sniveling noises. So I go "Johnny, what's..." when SPLASH, I am whacked over the head with a bucket of water. Johnny jumps up laughing yelling "WE GOT YOU!!!!" and my counselors are standing there in hysterics. Very funny. So I am now sopping wet, dripping into a puddle around my soaked-gymshoe-clad feet. I had my bathing suit on under my clothes (come on, it's Water Week), but I was still wearing a tank top from St. Thomas and JEAN- yes, JEAN- shorts. I walked away, squishing in my shoes, my jean shorts plastered to my butt, and spent the rest of the day plotting revenge while I walked around in a bathing suit and flip flops with a towel around my waist. Very funny boys... just wait.

Second- Pirates!!! I finally saw it on Sunday, and oh goodness. I was left sitting on the seat with my mouth hanging open going "Ohhh....when is #3 due for release?!?" Good gravy, the first movie didn't have nearly as much "cliff-hanger at the end"-ness! The first one, I was like "Oohhh that was a hot movie with hot guys in it" but I didn't even know they were making a #2 or #3. At the end of this one though, *don't worry, no spoilers*, I can't believe you-know-who is not there and the other you-know-who-we-thought-was-dead is BACK!! Freaked me out, to say the least.
"I need to shoot something. Where's that monkey?"
"Here! I brought you your fee- an undead monkey! *BLAM (gun goes off)* See?"
And then the whole Elizabeth + Jack - Will thing?!? What's wrong with this equation?? Other than the fact that Lizzie went bonko and forgot about her engagement to Will when she teased poor Jack and then practically molested him with her mouth, nothing. (Although for the record, Jack Sparrow looked like he was swallowing her whole- MAN he looks like a good kisser!). Poor Will, to be left to do nothing more than stare at the camera and give sad, my-life-is-over puppy dog looks. I'll kiss him! Will it make him feel better? Probably not... *sigh* Although, I am pretty psyched about reading Nicole's dialogue she wrote about this whole scene. It sounds amazing!

Alright, time for a breather. Chinese food for dinner tonight! w00t!

Friday, July 14, 2006

We're havin' a heatwave, a tropical heatwave!

Heat + Humidity + Camp for 6 hours = Irritable Megan.
Seriously. That's how today was. Not that I don't love camp, and usually I do, but because of the weather today I had no patience for stupidity. I reamed out one of my counselors today for continually asking me "So can I swim at the pool? Huh? Huh? Can I?" I said NO 37 TIMES!!!!!
I also yelled at all of my campers today after they booed my decision not to play dodgeball after the pool today because it was too darned hot. I was all "I let you play dodgeball every day this week! We even played it this morning! Now we are GOING to play Ghost In The Graveyard, and you ARE going to lay down and BE QUIET!!!!"

Thank God for air conditioning and automatic start in my car! I got in after camp and it was nice and cool, thanks to my remote-starting it 10 minutes earlier.

The job search is still fruitless. Sometimes I just stare at my phone, willing it to ring and for there to be a principal on the other end. People ask me if I've lined up a job yet, and it's all I can do to bite my tongue and say "well, it's still early for teachers..." Is it? I hope? I'm really worried here...I am counting on getting insurance and a good salary so that I can work, save money, move out, get married... *sigh*

Also, let me just say that 85% of the human population does not know how to drive. These are the people we give licenses to? Simply on the way to and from work today (which is about 14 miles round trip, Wheeling to Deerfield and back) I was almost killed three times. Once, a person who just had to get to work faster than me blew the light on Lake Cook Road & Portwine. Dude, I have a time when I have to clock in too! Second, a car in front of me slammed on the brakes on Deerfield Road because they saw a police car. Helloooo, you were already going 4 under the speed limit anyway! The cop isn't going to give you an award because you practically stopped in the middle of the road. The third instance was on the way home, when a landscaping truck decided to ignore the STOP sign (what, should we print those in Spanish too?) and almost rammed into my driver's side door.

Ignorance + Heat + Humidity = Cranky Megan

Thank God it was payday. :-P

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Another day, another (damp) dollar...

So camp today was certainly interesting! One of my campers brought a Japanese graphic novel to camp (one with some very...creatively drawn scenes, shall we say), and was trying to show it to all of the other campers! After telling him 3 times to put it away, I went to take it away and he burst into tears and practically punched me in the face with his elbow! Good Lord, I don't get paid enough to deal with this. End result: I put it in the bottom of his backpack and told his mother not to let him bring it to camp again. *phew*
Then we go to the pool (thank goodness), and it's doing this rain/mist/yuck thing. Not enough so I get soaked immediately, but after 45 minutes of sitting by the diving board I'm thinking "hmm, I'm slightly cold and very damp right now." Yuck. Then we go back to camp, and just before pick-up starts, it starts to pour. Figures. And when I say pour, I don't just mean rain hard. I mean sideways slanty rain that soaks you no matter how you hold you umbrella. ARRGH! So I shuttle campers back and forth between the building and their car, and so that their precious art projects stay dry, my whole back is wringing wet, and my socks are stuck to my feet inside of my soaking wet gymshoes. Gross!
I do NOT get paid enough to do this... alright, well maybe I do :-P
Oh, I got my evaluation today too- it's got like 25-30 different statements on it like "Proper use of language with campers" and a line for a number (1-5) on it. (5 is the best). Well, I got all 5's and just two 4's. Go me. *happy dance*
That's all for now kiddies! The job search is still hopeless...but steak is for dinner :)

Monday, July 10, 2006

Welcome to my blogger! This is so much easier to use than Xanga or any of those other sites.
This will contain aspects of my life that I'm sure you will all find just fascinating, so buckle up and enjoy the ride!

I went to ISU this past weekend. I left Friday after work with mom & Mandy and drove straight down. We made it there right at 7, which was when Derek got off from work, so that was great timing on my part. We all went to dinner at Carlos O'Kelly's (the Irish-Mexican restaurant), and then I went back to Manchester with Derek. Saturday morning he went to work, and I spent the day with mom & Mandy at Miller Park Zoo (yay for wallabys!) and at the mall (yay for Maurices!). I bought some really cute new jeans and jean capris, and a silk tank shirt that is just gorgeous. I got matching earrings and a necklace too. :-) Saturday night I went to dinner with Derek at Biaggi's to celebrate (a week early) our 2 1/2 year anniversary. Then we rented a movie and went back to his room. Sunday morning, Derek went to work and the familia and myself drove home.

Work is going well- first session of camp is already over, and there are only 4 weeks left. Payday is Friday, which is sooo exciting, since my last paycheck (before taxes) just eked me over the 4-digit mark. w00t! After taxes, I was like $180 dollars shorter, so boo on federal taxes! Oh well, I'll hopefully get most of it back next April.

Still job hunting...I'm dying here! Everyone keeps telling me that it's okay, that most schools don't even call until the end of July or first 2 weeks in August, but that's driving me crazy!! I really want a job...ASAP!

See, I told you this would be interesting... more will be coming in days to come!