Friday, December 14, 2007

Happy Holidays!

Hi everyone! :)
Happy Hanukkah/Merry Christmas/Happy Kwanzaa!
Or as the old commercial says- Have a merry christmahanukwanzika!

Work is going well- I'm already 1/2 way done with my 3rd rotation of 6th graders, and just started my new 3rd rotation of 7th & 8th graders today. It's going so fast! I was talking with the girl I got hired with the other day, and she put into words exactly what I've been feeling- "It just seems like after winter break we'll go back to school, and realize that this has all been a dream and we won't have jobs!" Yipes! I certainly hope not! It took me long enough to find a job, let's not lose it now!
I am getting kudos from my bosses though- I've been really involved with talking with the AP's (assistant principals) about a student with a troubled home & school life, and I've been actively talking to a team about a student having issues with getting work done. My principal emails me a lot just to say "Good job Megan!! Way to stay in touch!" w00t!

**cool side note- did you know that Miriam-Webster has decided to put w00t in the dictionary???**

Anyway, I digress (one of the vocab words I'm teaching my kids!)

Wedding plans are currently on "pause" until Derek determines a positive graduation date- either March or June of 2009 for him. How's a winter wedding sound?!?

That's about all for now! :)